Network Synergy Blog
How to Secure Data Using Passwords
All that stands between hackers and your accounts’ data, be it personal information or sensitive business info, is a measly string of characters that may (or may not) be complex enough to thwart their attacks. We’re talking about your passwords, and for many businesses, they are the only thing protecting important data. We’ll walk you through how to make sure your passwords are as complex as possible, as well as instruct you on how to implement additional security features to keep your data locked down.
How to Create a Secure Password
The ideal password is generally easy to remember, but difficult to guess, all while utilizing a plethora of letters, numbers, and symbols. Unfortunately, all of this combines to create a situation that makes remembering a password practically impossible without some sort of aid or program. We recommend putting together a password that is an alphanumeric representation of a phrase that you will remember.
Of course, if you make so many of these, you might forget which ones apply to that particular account. This is where password management comes in. You can create a “master password” that acts as the gatekeeping password for your many accounts. Password managers store your passwords in a secure database where they are only called on as needed, keeping you from having to remember them all.
Two-Factor Authentication
Passwords are best utilized alongside a secondary method of authentication. This could be in the form of a passcode sent to your mobile device via text message or phone call, or it could be a biometric code of some sort like a thumbprint. Regardless, a secondary method of authentication means that your account is less likely to be infiltrated, as it effectively means twice the work for any hacker attempting to break in.
Network Synergy can equip your business with password managers and two-factor authentication tools that will optimize data security and ensure your accounts will have a minimal chance of being compromised. To learn more, reach out to us at (203) 261-2201.