Network Synergy Blog
Let us Help Your IT Department
An in-house IT technician can work their magic and repair many of your broken technologies -- ranging from removing viruses to rebooting servers You may not know exactly how they do it, but you have come to rely on them and you trust them. As your company grows, you are faced with tough decisions like, when is it the right time to hire a new staff member for the IT department? As much as you care for your IT staff, let's face it, they are not the money makers, and given the chance, you would rather spend your money attracting new sales rather than adding personnel to the IT department.
As a business owner, you have a natural perception about how much longer your IT department can hold out without adding a new staff member. Whenever your normally upbeat IT department begins to show signs of stress and fatigue, then you know that it's time to post a job opening. (Although, before you commit to hiring, it is a good idea to check first and make sure they are not stressed out about a new detail that has emerged from Disney's acquisition of Star Wars.) If this hiring scenario is where you find yourself, then Network Synergy can help by giving you the ability to outsource your IT.
Hiring Network Synergy to come alongside your IT department will complement the stellar service that your IT staff already provides. We are able to provide assistance to your techs with our remote monitoring and maintenance services. By having Network Synergy remotely handle many of the IT problems that distract your staff from working on your company's goals, your IT department will be able to do bigger things than just fixing broken computers.
By having Network Synergy remotely take care of software updates, security updates, scanning for viruses, and daily clearing out of caches and temporary files, not only will your staff not have to do these tasks, but it will also prolong the life of your computers. With your PCs running optimally, your IT staff will be freed up thanks to far less computer repairs on their hands.
Outsourcing your IT services will be a big boost to your IT department. When you go with Network Synergy, you are essentially adding a new experienced technician to your department at a fraction of the cost. While at the same time, you will be able to retain the IT staff that you already have, and benefit from their intimate knowledge of your business and computer systems.
At Network Synergy, we work with IT departments on a regular basis. It is a pleasure to work alongside such knowledgeable men and women. This working arrangement works out great for both parties. We like it because whenever we contact your IT department to take care of an issue, we have a single point of contact. Business owners like this arrangement because it saves them money. The time it takes to make repairs is reduced, it costs significantly less than hiring a new staff member, and IT departments are freed up to work on big projects.
Call Network Synergy at (203) 261-2201 and give your IT department the help they have been asking for while freeing up payroll money. This makes outsourcing your IT services with Network Synergy a classic win-win!