Network Synergy Blog
Can a Software Firewall Stop a Dragon?
Your business has several workstations, servers, mobile devices, along with many different users, and each user has multiple access points. All of this will be too much to handle for the puny firewall that comes with a PC's operating system. Even the firewall that comes with your server's OS is no match for all the threats brought on by a complex business network.
You can think of this firewall situation like a knight (your firewall) defending a princess (your data) against a dragon (threats from the Internet). A single knight can do an adequate job defending a single princess from a fire-breathing dragon. All the knight has to do is hide himself and the princess behind his shield and the fire will be deflected.
Take the same noble knight and charge him with defending a castle full of people from a fire-breathing dragon that flies. The knight would be running all over the castle in a futile attempt to stay ahead of the dragon's next attack, and the princess would be captured and taken to another castle.
What's a good solution to help our overwhelmed knight? Recruiting more knights? This solution is equivalent to enabling all the firewalls on all the operating systems on your company's network, thinking this will keep your business safe from Internet viruses.
Adding more firewalls sounds like a good idea, but it's actually a weak solution because even an army of knights cannot totally protect a castle with all their little shields. Plus, dragons, like hackers, are smarter than they look and are good at finding vulnerabilities. Even with an army of knights protecting the city, a dragon will still find an opening and swoop in, steal the princess, and take her off to another castle.
What a castle (your business) needs in order to protect all of its princesses (files, or entitled employees), is a protective dome. One large protective dome covering the entire castle will deflect every attack from a dragon, and even attacks from multiple dragons!
Network Synergy offers what is essentially a protective dome for your entire company. This dome is a firewall hardware solution called a Unified Threat Management (UTM) tool. A UTM is a single device that plugs into your network and serves as one strong firewall to protect your entire business from all the dragons on the Internet.
Your business is a castle; don't leave the security of your company up to a single knight with a shield made of Windows. Instead, go with an all-in-one hardware security solution that will make your castle impenetrable! Call Network Synergy at (203) 261-2201 to learn more.