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Network Synergy has been serving the Trumbull area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How to Get Your Business Started with Twitter

Social media has become a big part of business, and Twitter is one of the top sites. You may know Twitter as an app that lets you send short messages to "followers," however, there's so much more to this useful tool that has been embraced by 218.3 million users worldwide. Let's take a closer look at Twitter and how to utilize it for your business.

Before you even get started on Twitter, you should already have an established presence on Facebook (the largest social media site), along with an official website for your business. You will not want to make Twitter your main site because direct communication via Twitter is inconvenient. For example, with Facebook you're able to direct message anybody with an unlimited amount of characters, and you can add chat features on your website so users can easily contact you. Whereas with Twitter, you can only direct message those you follow and follow you back and you're limited to 140 characters.

When starting a new Twitter account for your business, you will want to be very intentional about setting it up to communicate your company's message. Here are the basic points you will want to cover.

Post Images With an Intention
What image will you use for your profile? Keep in mind that Twitter profile pics are small, so your logo will need to be distinct and concise. Behind the profile there's space for another image, but be careful what image you use for this looks like because it will be the background for the text that describes your company, which should include a hyperlink to your official website. Next is the important main background image, this image can make people take notice and set your Twitter page apart visually from the competition.

Begin Following other Twitter Users
Now it's time to start "following" people. Once you do, these user's posts (aka "tweets") will now show up in your feed. Remember, your company's Twitter account is different than your personal account, so you don't want your business to be following your favorite athlete, movie star, or any other of your offbeat personal interests. Instead, be sure to follow Twitter feeds that are relative to your industry.

One great thing about Twitter is that there's no apprehension about following anyone. Think of following a Twitter feed like "Liking" a Facebook page, it's not a personal request like sending a Facebook friend request. Once you start following other Twitter users you will see your Twitter feed begin to pick up and you will receive Twitter followers of your own. Just be careful not to follow direct competitors so you won't send your web traffic their way.

Begin Posting Content
After you gain a few Twitter followers, your tweets will now have an audience! What type of content should you post? You can start by posting any blog content or other original content that your business has produced. This is where all those hours of faithfully blogging to your website will really pay off! You can also Tweet about sales that your business may be offering, news about your company, there's really not limit to what you can post (other than 140 characters).

Start Retweeting
Keep in mind that your Twitter account isn't all about you, there's a social aspect to Twitter where you can use it to network and build relationships. Enter the "retweet." As you peruse your feed for interesting and compelling content, you will come across tweets from others that are good enough to share. To do this, just click on the "Retweet" button and the tweet will now go out to all of your followers. A Retweet is a great way to gain followers. Some users will follow you just because you retweeted them.

It's also a good idea to tweet out stories you find outside of Twitter. If people can count on your feed as an interesting news aggregate, then they have one more reason to follow you. Unlike Facebook where more than a few posts per day is frowned upon, it's more acceptable to make posts often and in rapid fashion on Twitter.

Join Public Conversations
To engage an individual user, use the @ function. To start off, try tweeting Network Synergy something by using netsynergyit. By using the @ prefix, followed by the username, your post will appear in the intended user's interaction feed. This feed will also tell users if they're following your Twitter account or not. If there's a post you want to share with more than one individual, you can add several @s. If someone posts something that you would like to comment on, simply press "Reply" and the tweet composer will automatically include the user in the tweet. Public conversations are a common practice on Twitter and can also lead to more followers. Plus, it's a sure fire way to "interact" with a vast user base.

Taking on Twitter for your business can seem like a daunting task, especially when you're unfamiliar with the interface. However, once you become comfortable with Twitter, you will come to see it as a valuable tool that will help you reach people around the world from your mobile device. This is good for providing your business with more contacts than was ever possible before using traditional networking, and the best part is, it's free!

If you would like assistance getting set up on Twitter and optimizing other technologies for your business, then give Network Synergy a call at (203) 261-2201.

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