126 Monroe Turnpike, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611 sales@netsynergy.com


Network Synergy Blog

Network Synergy has been serving the Trumbull area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: 4 Brilliant Ways to Get More Work Done

There are some workdays where distractions are abound and you can’t even remember what you’re supposed to be doing. In trying times like these, you need all the help you can get, just to stay focused and on task. Here are four simple adjustments to your work routine that have been proven to do wonders to increase productivity.

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Don’t Migrate to the Cloud Without First Understanding What You’re Getting Into

There was a time when the cloud was considered nothing more than a novelty, but now that most serious businesses are taking full advantage of cloud computing, it’s time that you consider it a viable option for your organization. For those who are unfamiliar with cloud computing, though, you want to make sure that you properly plan out the process of moving to the cloud. When it comes to remodeling your IT infrastructure around the cloud, doing so can save you a lot of pain.

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Your Business Must Think Long-term and Short-term When it Comes to IT

For your business’s IT, it’s important to consider both the short-term and long-term benefits of new technology solutions. However, which of these offers the greatest return-on-investment in terms of profitability and workplace efficiency? Some might argue that short-term IT (think break-fix IT) is more in line with a business’s immediate needs, while long-term IT (i.e. managed IT) considers longevity and proactive thought.

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What We Mean When We Say “Enterprise-Level”

You’re a small business, and as such, you need technology in order to keep your operations moving forward. Many organizations will refer to their services and products as “enterprise-level,” as if there’s a certain draw to them that wouldn’t ordinarily be there. Here’s what this term means, not just for larger businesses, but for your SMB.

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4 Considerations Every Business Should Make Before Moving Operations to the Cloud

Cloud computing is already heavily utilized in the business world. Companies that were looking to add mobility, collaborative capacities, and overall flexibility, have rolled out cloud computing platforms for their business and it’s resulted in quite a few benefits. In fact, according to a 2014 survey, about 70 percent of enterprise-level companies have instituted some sort of IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS solution. As more companies implement cloud solutions for critical business functions, owners of smaller businesses are asking us the inevitable question, “Is the cloud right for my business?”

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How Gamers Can Be an Asset to Your Business

“Do you think this is a game?” In the past, a boss may have used this line to criticize an employee for not taking their job seriously. However, in today’s more creative work environments, many companies are using game mechanics to achieve their goals. This business strategy is called gamification, and it’s the most fun way to get work done.

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4 Ways to Equip Your Business With the Technology it Needs

In a world where time is a luxury that the average business owner lacks, it can be burdensome to come up with new technology initiatives. The main issue that this presents is that it can be difficult to improve your operations if your technology’s growth is stunted. Stagnate technology deployment can be detrimental to your business’s success.

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Windows 10 Is Here, But What’s the Demand?

Just because something is brand new doesn't mean that there's a market for it. Just look at Windows 8 to see what we're talking about. It might have been a brand new operating system when it first came out, but it didn't really take to users, who preferred the familiar feel of Windows 7. How do business owners suspect Windows 10 will affect the business world?

In an overwhelming response to a ZDNet survey, 73 percent of all respondents claim that they will be adopting Windows 10 within the next two years. This exceeds the approval rates of both Windows 7 and 8, making Windows 10 one of the most anticipated operating systems in recent times. Here are some of the statistics concerning the update to Windows 10:

  • 64 percent of IT professionals said they were most interested in the return of the Start button, 55 percent cited the free upgrade from Windows 7 and 8/8.1, and 51 percent referenced enhanced security.
  • Only eight percent of respondents said they were interested in the touch-optimized interface, six percent cited Cortana, and five percent were interested in Hello.
  • When IT professionals were asked to disclose their general impressions of Microsoft's new browser Edge (previously known as Spartan) 25 percent said they were somewhat to very positive, 23 percent said they were neutral, and nearly half said they didn't know enough about the new browser to have formed an opinion. Four percent of respondents were somewhat to very negative.

While many users are simply interested in the free upgrade and the return of the Start menu, they don't necessarily expect a lot from the other features, like touch-screen compatibility and Cortana. Still, upgrades are upgrades, and the significant number of anticipated upgrades makes us happy. As IT professionals, we always emphasize the importance of running a supported operating system, as well as how much the latest technology can improve your business's productivity. Even if users aren't immediately upgrading to Windows 10, so long as they aren't opting to continue using an unsupported operating system, they're doing something right.

However, these numbers also tell us that there are a lot (as in, the majority) of businesses that plan on leaving behind their legacy applications, or finding more modern solutions that better handle their workload. Many users don't take into account the fact that their legacy software might not perform to top specifications, or even be compatible at all, with the latest technology. This can prevent your business from getting the most out of its information systems.
We worry that this might be the case with Windows 10. Because of Microsoft labeling it as "free" for users of Windows 7 and 8/8.1 for a whole year following its release, many users feel an enormous amount of pressure to upgrade before this offer's expiration date. If this sounds familiar, we want to reiterate that you should carefully consider any and all applications that you currently use, especially if they qualify as legacy software.

Should You Upgrade?
Network Synergy recommends a cautious approach to upgrading your systems. Below is more information about Windows 10 that you should know. 

  • Windows 10 is a free upgrade for genuine Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 operating systems. Microsoft is offering this free upgrade for one year, until July, 2016.

  • Network Synergy always cautions our customers on immediately adopting new Operating System upgrades to prevent compatibility issues with business applications, which will undoubtedly surface with any new OS upgrade. Microsoft has made this cautious-to-upgrade approach difficult to abide by, due in part to its marketing strategy of sending Windows 7 and 8.1 users a notification that Windows 10 is now available and that the upgrade is free to licensed users. This message may appear for workstations automatically updating Windows patches from Microsoft directly. This notification would be seen in your System Tray if this update notification was downloaded to your computer. We can work with you if you are receiving notifications to eliminate the upgrade popups that you may be receiving.

  • Please note that Windows 10 will not be automatically updated on your system without your intervention. Microsoft however will give users the option to upgrade with one click of "Yes" or "Go!" This is not recommended on your business computers without proper testing with all applications. Worst-case scenario: You've got a mission-critical app that isn't compatible with Windows 10, and you don't find this out until after you've installed the new OS. While Microsoft makes upgrading to a new OS easy, downgrading to an older OS is a very difficult and time-consuming task that you don't want to experience. Additionally, the new features of Windows 10 can potentially displace existing workflows if one isn't prepared.

  • Internet Explorer has been replaced with a new web browser, Microsoft Edge. While this new browser likely has advantages over IE, it's important to keep in mind that its new interface may befuddle longtime IE users. Plus, it's rare for a 1.0 product to be error free upon its release.

  • While consumers will often jump on a new OS download as soon as it's released, it's a safe move for enterprises to wait until the first service pack comes out. A conservative move like this will prevent your business from being a beta tester for Microsoft. We do, however, also caution customers on upgrading home computers that may be used for office network access, particularly with VPN access. Please contact us if you remotely access your network to review possible compatibility issues.

  • In addition to having compatibility issues with older software, you might see issues with the compatibility of older peripherals, like scanners, printers, optical drives, etc. If Microsoft has deemed these devices obsolete, then your previously-functioning equipment will now be a paperweight. Additionally, there's the potential to lose data and settings, in particular, Internet Explorer settings.

  • If there is interest in adopting the new operating system quickly, it is recommended to take one non-critical workstation in your office and upgrade to test with all existing applications. This will identify potential software upgrades that need to be addressed for your business prior to upgrading all systems.

In conclusion, we think that Windows 10 has a lot going for it, but like any major business decision, it's not a new venture that you want to blindly take on. Network Synergy is here to help. Network Synergy is testing Windows 10 to identify potential upgrade requirements for many of the applications that we deploy for our customers. If you have immediate interest in upgrading, please contact your account manager to discuss the best upgrade plan for you to make sure we provide the smoothest transition possible to Windows 10.

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Business Owners and IT Departments Need to Agree on a Cloud Solution

Cloud computing is everywhere, yet there are still plenty of businesses that haven’t migrated to the cloud or adopted cloud services. In many cases, this is due to business owners and IT departments not being on the same page when it comes to cloud computing.

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Fans of Facebook Now Have a Facebook Business App

Facebook has come a long way. Originally designed as a networking tool to be exclusively used by college students, Facebook now has 1.44 billion active users, making it the world’s largest social network. Today, businesses take Facebook seriously and utilize it for their marketing initiatives. However, it’s still viewed as a time-waster by many office managers who restrict or ban employees from accessing it.

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Here’s to You, Mr. Do-It-Yourself Entrepreneur

Network Synergy presents to you “Real Men of Brilliance.” Today, we salute you, Mr. Do-It-Yourself Entrepreneur.

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Tip of the Week: Improve Productivity By Napping at Work, Seriously

All business owners understand that in order to stay competitive, their team must work as hard as they possibly can. Unfortunately, however, that’s not how human physiology works. Everyone needs a break now and again, and the office is no different. Remember elementary school, when you would curl up with a blanket and get some sleep during naptime? It turns out this might be a viable option in the office, too.

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Tip of the Week: How to Set Up a Business Succession Plan

If something debilitating were to happen to you, could your business carry on? This isn’t a pleasant scenario to think about, but it’s absolutely necessary to have a contingency plan in place for reasons like this. Also known as a business succession plan, if you have a plan in place, then you don’t have to worry about what the future holds, at least, for your business.

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Big Data Trends Can Unlock Your Business’s Potential

Big data analytics might be changing the way businesses look at data, but how much can be changed without a deeper understanding of what causes these trends? Your business model has everything to gain from understanding why and how big data trends come to be. In essence, understanding how the trends behind big data work is arguably more important than the statistics of big data itself.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Be Better Than Your Competition

Every business has competition at some level. It’s tempting to ignore your competition (it may even be hard to speak their name), but there’s great value that comes with watching them closely; namely, you can learn from what they do in order to improve upon your own product or service.

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4 Scenarios Where Backup and Disaster Recovery is Optimal

There are a number of disasters which could hamper your business’s continuity, but the most dangerous ones occur when you least expect it. Despite this, it’s not always clear that your business needs a data backup and disaster recovery solution until it’s too late. You stand to lose everything your business has worked so hard for by ignoring potential threats, many of which can be prevented by simple proactive measures.

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Cover Your Bases by Archiving Your Company’s Email

When you send a subordinate an email, you likely expect that they will read it and comply with the message. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen and messages, especially in organizations where email is used as the main form of communication between departments, slip through the cracks. To remedy lost correspondence, consider setting up an email archive.

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Tip of the Week: Understanding Business Technology Acronyms

Before investing in a solution for your business, it’s important to understand what you’re getting into. Sometimes it can be difficult, especially with all of the jargon floating around. In fact, an excessive amount of this “geekspeak” can intimidate prospective clients, and maybe even frighten away a sale. While it’s avoided as much as possible, it sometimes can’t be helped, and some business owners are still lost on certain sayings or acronyms.

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Don’t Forget to Renew Your Software Licenses

You have a system in place to remind yourself of when to pay your bills. Otherwise, bills would go unpaid, essential services would be cut off, and your credit rating would plunge. However, not everyone has a system in place to renew their software licenses, which could lead to consequences that are just as dire.

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Newsflash! Electronic Signatures Deemed Legal ...146 Years Ago!

What’s so special about a physical signature created with pen and paper? If it’s an autograph from your favorite celebrity, then you’ve got something special. Other than that, there’s no reason why an electronic signature can’t get the job done in today’s hi-tech business world.

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126 Monroe Turnpike
Trumbull, Connecticut 06611

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