Network Synergy Blog
Network Synergy has been serving the Trumbull area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.
People in 1967 were fascinated with new technology. During this era, technology advanced so quickly in such a short amount of time that people looked in wonderment at the future and made wild predictions at what the 2000s would look like. How accurate were the predictions of the 1960's scientific community? Let's check in with Walter Cronkite to find out!
19 years ago, a class of fifth graders from Helena, Montana was featured in a PSA video that, looking back, made some eerily-close predictions about how the Internet is used today. When this PSA was shot in 1995, only 0.4% of the world's population regularly used the Internet. Today, nearly 39% of the world uses it, and for good reason, as predicted all those years ago.
The way media is being consumed by people has been changing rapidly for over 100 years. More and more, people are relying on a tablet or smartphone to watch movies, listen to music, and read periodicals and books. This particular change in technology is just one of many in the history of streaming media.
Working in the IT industry means embracing change and the latest technology trends. Doing the same thing day-in and day-out is a luxury we don't have, and frankly, sounds kind of boring. Since computers were first invented, there's been a need to service them. Here's a look at how the IT service industry has changed over the past 50 years.
As commonplace as cellphones are today, it's hard to imagine that there was a time in the 1980's when this technology was first introduced and the benefits had to be explained. Here's an old cellphone commercial from Motorola about "the booming industry of cellular radio telephones." Times sure have changed!