Network Synergy Blog
Network Synergy has been serving the Trumbull area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.
Have you ever come across a great soundtrack or album on YouTube that you would love to put on repeat, but can’t because YouTube doesn’t offer this feature? Well, fear not--there are a ton of services available that you can use to put your favorite videos on repeat, allowing you to save plenty of time on clicking that play button so that you can stay productive.
The mouse is a critical part of navigating your workstation. Without it, you’d struggle to open applications, move around Office documents, create images, and countless other functions. Just like many other features in Windows 10, you can customize how your mouse pointer looks and functions, making it much easier to maneuver around your system.
Logging into an account only to find out that you’ve been hacked can be a real hassle. If you’re wondering why and how this could have happened, you’re in luck; some accounts, like Google, record when and how the account is accessed, and finding out how is as easy as checking out your security settings. Here’s how you can see who is accessing your account, and how.